BUGS. Those disgusting little critters are a thing of nightmares for the vast majority of the population. Most of us feel repulsed whenever we encounter (some, not all) bugs in our home. Some people step on them; sometimes people are too disgusted to even try that.
Now imagine not one, but hundreds and hundreds of bugs living in your home. Right beneath your very feet; this is unfortunately the case of many homes in our country. You see, basements are crawl spaces alike tend to have an elevated amount of moisture, making them a perfect fit for insects to live and prosper unencumbered.
And while most insects are perfectly harmless, maybe nothing more than a nuisance, there are some species of insects that you definitely don’t want at home as they can cause significant long term damage to your foundation.
Some of the most common basement bugs are termites, centipedes, earwigs, cockroaches and carpenter ants.
Centipedes tend to make people uncomfortable because of their unique looks. They are scavengers and eat cockroach eggs (I mean, that is quite a positive I would say). They also eat other bugs. If you spot them, just leave them alone as they will only attack if they feel threatened.
Earwigs are another type of insect with a bad rep. I mean, those pincers are indubitably scary looking but they are quite harmless to humans. There is a reason why you actually only see them when it is cold. They are quite fond of heat and they only make themselves visible to us as they are trying to stay away from the cold weather. Once it warms up outside they’ll leave your home on their own as they love a good sun tan on top of flowers when the weather is warm.Â
Cockroaches you’ll want to get rid of right away. That’s it.
Well, I guess I would be unprofessional if I don’t go into more detail here as well. I mean, I know of no human being who would like to keep those disgusting little monsters anywhere near them or their homes. But needless to say, they can be quite dangerous as they can transmit a whole bunch of diseases. They feed of organic matter and garbage. They can infect your blood with bacteria. Some people are allergic to them. They multiply super-fast and are attracted to dark, damp spaces. They are nocturnal and once they reach your basement or crawlspace they’ll make their way to other areas of your home soon enough. Also, did I mention they are disgusting? I did? Just making sure then.
Now we are getting to the most important bugs of the bunch.
Carpenter ants are dark colored and have a pinched waist. They build nests in moist, decaying wood. They are partial to wall areas with water damage or below rotting subfloors. Unlike roaches they might not infect you with diseases or bacteria, but they can cause structural damage to your home. These guys, you want to get rid of.
And finally, the star attraction of today’s post. Termites. If these pesky bugs have decided that your home is a nice place to live then you’ve got a problem. They live in large colonies, building nests from home’s wood causing moisture and decay as a result. And like a snowball going downhill, in time this will only lead to more serious problems as they can pretty much destroy your home. Yup, that is not exaggeration.

They look like light-colored ants. If you find sawdust piles or spot bugs near the wall joints or other wood areas in your basement or crawlspace then you have to act quickly. Containment will not be enough; you’ll have to get rid of them for good. Not to mention that if the damage has already been done you might have to have your foundation repair.
So what can be done about this?
Well, to dissuade all these bugs from living rent free at your home, there are a few things you can do. First of all, remove whatever water sources your crawlspace or basement might have. Eliminating water is one of the most effective ways to bug-proof your foundation. Bugs are attracted to water; take that away from them and they won’t want to live there.

Make sure that your drainage system is working properly. Ensure gutters and downspouts are not clogged. Install downspout extensions to make sure water drains away from the foundation if necessary. As an extension to this, look out for water leaks in your plumbing fixtures and check outdoor faucets to make sure they are not leaking into your crawlspace or basement.
You can also encapsulate your home, covering the basement or crawlspace walls with a barrier that is resistant to moisture and helps decrease humidity. You can also install a dehumidifier. Sticky traps are an old reliable and declutter your spaces, are insects are fond of areas with lots of hidden spaces. Cardboard boxes, newspaper, magazines are perfect breeding grounds for them, specially if they are moist.
If you have a basement, waterproofing it is the way to go. Remember that calling pest control will solve this situation in the short term. Bugs, like the T-800, will be back. So encapsulating the basement will be the most effective solution.
Remember that avoiding ground contact is essential to bug prevention plans. What we mean with this is that you should ensure that no wooden members of your foundation, framing or siding are in direct contact with the ground’s surface. Termites live in the ground; wood would only provide them with a VIP pass directly into your home.
If an item has already been infested with termites, take advantage of the sun; place the item directly under the sunlight. The heat will not only kill the termites but it will also dry out the item that attracted them.
Also keep in mind that Borax is a powerful weapon against pests. Borax acts as a preventive strike against termites. If you paint wood, furniture, doors or window frames apply a coat of boric acid as a pre-primer before the finish coats of paint. With wood absorbing the boric acid, it will become a barrier to infestation.
Finally, if you see signs of basement or crawl space damage caused by termites; contact us. We are experts in repairing those areas and restoring your home to the way it was before the days of the great infestation. We will not only repair this damage but also help you with showing you how to get rid of excess moisture and eliminating areas that attract these bugs. Not to mention that we can help you with whatever additional services are needed to ensure your foundation remains save from these invaders.